Coaching and solutions for demanding periods of leadership and decision-making. Since 1998.


Leadership and Executive Coaching

When is the best time for me to begin leadership and executive coaching?

If you are like the clients I've coached since 1998, you ...

  • Are highly committed 
  • Carry major responsibilities 
  • Have a demanding workload in an often-changing environment
  • Manage high expectations, both from yourself and from others 
  • Must remain productive, even during periods of significant stress 
  • Feel stuck, showing signs of burnout, or just running on empty
  • Want clarity to navigate a particularly demanding period of time

The benefits of an executive coach could be realized for any one of these reasons.

Or, you may simply want to work with an experienced, mature Christian Executive Coach. If this describes you, now may exactly be the best time to work together.


If you are a leader thinking about one on one executive coaching, and see yourself somewhere in this description, contact me to discuss how I might be of assistance to you. I'd be honored to have a conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there certain workplace conditions that indicate coaching would be helpful?

  • Four things most often lead to a request for executive leadership coaching.

1. Challenge - There’s a problem of some sort
2. Change - What has existed and perhaps even been comfortable is changing
3. Vision - Something is possible, if the idea can be developed
4. Pursuit - The possibility exists to do better, achieve more, and thrive

Why do you feel confident saying so many other coaches are available? Doesn't that eat into your business?

  • Because I know (by God’s grace) what I do well. I know there are very specific times a leader or executive would benefit from working with me. 
  • Outside of that there are many other life needs that other coaches can deliver on. I have a full roster of great clients.

For over 26 years, my job has been clear. Help leaders and executives maximize contribution and achievement while minimizing those things that can lead to overload and burnout.” 

Executive Coach, Gary Wood

How Do I Get the Most Out of Executive Coaching?


Clarity rules. Know what it is you would like to achieve or work on.

As you look ahead six to twelve months from now, what difference would you like leadership and executive coaching to have made for you? For your team? On your key objectives?

Think about the possibilities and the things you'd like to work on.

  • Are you leading through an extended, challenging, and stressful period in the organization?
  • Do you feel like you're trying to accomplish objectives in the face of constant volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity?
  • Are you working on sluggish initiatives that are in need of clarity and momentum? 
  • Are you simply trying to up your game as a leader?

The clearer you can be at the beginning, the better we can zero in on those things that will make the difference moving forward. 

In their own words, here's a sampling of what some of my clients have worked on.

Here's helpful information about how we would work together

What would you like to work on with a professional executive coach as you advance important projects, programs and initiatives? 

Let’s schedule a conversation to discuss what's happening, what's needed, and what's next.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I know I need coaching, but I’m not sure about what exactly that should look like?

  • I've been providing leadership and executive coaching for a long time. I know how to help you gain the clarity you need. I zero in pretty fast on what is most important.  

Do we have to follow a set plan or agenda?

  • No. We move forward discussing exactly what you feel is most important right now.

How long does our coaching agreement last?

  • We coach month to month. When you feel you have exactly what you need, we can finish our work together. 
  • Just so you know, my clients do stay with coaching for an average of just over 14 months. Some have been with me for a number of years. 

“My time with Gary Wood was an investment not only professionally, but also personally. In selecting an executive coach, it was important to me that I work with someone who comes from a place of shared beliefs and values and I found that in Gary. Through our 2+ years in collaboration together, I gained a better understanding of myself as a leader, developed new confidence in partnering with senior leadership, and landed my first executive-level role.” 

VP Operations

How Long Have You Been Providing Support and Executive Coaching for Leaders Feeling Burned Out at Work?


I have worked with leaders, executives and senior level professionals around concerns of overload and burnout since 1998.

My own experience prompted me to understand what contributes to burnout and what to do about it. 

Most of the leaders I serve retain my leadership and executive coaching services when they know they are at a crossroad and must address the following.

  • High stress: There is a need to deal with persistent intensity, overload, burnout, or burn-on. 
  • Sluggish performance: There is a need to regain personal productivity and effectiveness that has been eroded over time. 

It's not uncommon for the leader to feel overextended, exhausted, and like they are running on empty.

If this leader is not burning out at work, others around them may be. They face the task of getting the right things done in the face of too many things to do. And, of course, they must continue to produce.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t know that I am burned out, but I’m feeling pretty fried. Will coaching help?

  • Yes. Read the information I have on the site about burnout. One aim as we work together is to prevent burnout happening. Stop it before it does become a problem. 
  • Now is the time to take a hard look at yourself and your situation and see if there are adjustments that could be made to take the pressure off of you, and still maintain productivity.

“Thank you so much for being there for me, especially at times when I really was lost about what to do.” 

Executive Director

Coaching You to Regain Resilience and Adaptability


One thing is for sure. You still need to keep things moving forward, but it’s tough. A hard, sometimes toxic mix of situations, people, and expectations have left you feeling drained.

In addition, things keep shifting. It seems to be getting more complex. You need to be ready to shift when needed, and remain resilient in the face of whatever comes at you or the organization. Two things often show up. 

  • Sluggish performance? With coaching you can elevate those things that sustain contribution and achievement.

As experienced a leader as you are, you may feel like you are dealing with some significant stress, maybe even on the edge of burnout.

I invite you to connect to discuss what's possible. I've professionally coached in this type of situation for over 26 years. Sometimes one conversation changes everything.

I want to keep you resilient and adaptable, not only as you deal with overload or burnout, but beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you stress regaining resilience and adaptability?

  • If a tree can’t bend in the wind, it will snap. In today’s fast-moving environment, if you as a leader have trouble being resilient and adapting to the changes that keep coming at you, you will snap. 
  • Resilience is like a strong, weather-toughened branch. Know something about resilience, exercise it in real wind, and it will grow stronger. 

"With Gary as a non-judgmental sounding board, I was able to say out loud those things that were clouding my outlook and making me lose sight of the bright possibilities."  


Can You Help Develop and Bring Out in Me the Best Qualities of a Good Leader?


Whether you work and lead within:

  • Corporate or Nonprofit
  • Government or Business
  • Faith-based or General-market 

I am noted for zeroing in quickly to help you clarify and act on those few things which make the biggest difference in moving you and your priorities forward. That's important when you might find yourself under significant pressure.

Every day you are working on getting the right things done. And, you do that while experiencing all the challenges faced by leadership. My aim in coaching is to draw the best out of you.  

After many years and many thousands of hours of personal coaching, strategic planning work and client success, I understand how to help committed individuals regain and increase their capacity to work and lead through those more challenging periods.

More information on addressing overload or burnout. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will we use a particular motivational author’s or “guru’s” teaching and books as a guide to my development?

  • No. Every leader is different. We’ll focus, not on creating a generic, looks-like-a-book you, but on bringing out the real, best you that makes a difference in the world. 
  • If we talk about a book, great. All leaders usually do at some point, because leaders tend to be readers. There is tremendous help in many books. But, somebody’s book will not be a template for coaching. 
  • We'll be sure to land on the right things as we pursue your leadership and executive coaching.

Do You Provide Healthcare Executive Coaching?


I have the privilege of providing healthcare executive coaching to some truly resilient men and women, in both Canada and United States.

While I've coached leaders in this sector prior to, the Covid pandemic during the early part of the 2020's required of them, in many ways as never before. 

  • The complexity of challenges faced by leadership
  • Rapid deployment of strategies for managing change
  • Managing workplace stress
  • Engaging the power of a positive attitude
  • Constantly faced with how to make tough decisions

To say they were strained almost sounds like an understatement now. The challenges just kept coming. Leadership and executive coaching made a difference during a difficult few years. You can read more about our healthcare executive coaching journey through the pandemic here

I mention this because almost all leaders will go through at least a handful of really stressful, and sometimes extended times that require all we've got ... and maybe more.This is where having that one on one executive coaching with me makes the difference.

To explore healthcare executive coaching, please contact me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a medical professional?

  • I am not. I am a seasoned Executive Coach who has had the privilege of working successfully with senior-level healthcare executives through some pretty challenging stuff (like the early days and aftermath of Covid.) I found that very rewarding and wanted to emphasize that I am available to you.
  • I often say, "I don't have to know your business. But, I do have to know people, and how to draw the best out of them." 

Throughout life, take advantage of hundreds of thousands of courses, programs, coaches and consultants, for whatever purposes you have in mind


Call ME to work through those few demanding, extended periods of intensity.

Do You Provide Christian Executive Leadership Coaching?


A large percentage of my clients identify as Christian leaders, executives or senior-level professionals. Being a believer myself, I understand where the faith-based leader is coming from in their desired approach to leading in both secular and faith settings. 

Some of my clients are able to be very public about their Christian beliefs.

My Christian coaching clients work in sectors and settings where their private faith informs their public behavior and thinking.

Every one of my clients wants to be sincerely living out the positive characteristics of a Christian leader to a watching world that longs for their public and private leaders to "walk the talk." 

All bring passion and high-level contribution to their work.

Whether you work in a secular or faith-based setting, I will custom design coaching to address your unique situation. I have no difficulty working in either setting. More information. 

As always, navigating leadership this year will pose new challenges that will necessitate Christian executives taking advantage of coaching and support. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we spend a lot of time talking about the Bible?

  • No. Executive Coaching is not a Bible study or a discipleship course. We discuss real life leadership, work and life. And, if in the course of our coaching the Bible should come up, I’m perfectly at ease discussing Biblical application to the situation at hand.

Do I have to be a “strong” Christian to work with you?

  • No. You simply need to have a desire to work with an Executive Coach.

Do you espouse a particular political agenda?

  • Absolutely not. Nor will I work with a leader who, in my mind, leans toward political extremes of any kind.

Since 1998, I have been privileged to serve many hundreds of leaders, executives, and senior-level professionals, all wanting to run better businesses, lead more influential organizations and guide cause, project or program initiatives to success. I would be honoured to explore how I might best be able to serve you.

Would You Provide Leadership and Executive Coaching to One of the Leaders in Our Organization?


Often, individuals are sponsored by their company or organization for leadership and executive coaching. While I've worked with leaders from many sectors, they have one thing in common ... they HAVE to keep doing their job and bringing in the results.

If you are the one inquiring for coaching, hopefully your organization will be interested in seeing you do well and they will pay for you to have an executive coach.

Having said that, many professionals do pay their own coaching fees when it comes to dealing with overload and burnout. Simply, they want to keep it confidential. It varies from one organization to another.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we handle confidentiality?

  • To pursue leadership and executive coaching, the sponsor, the client, and I will have a discussion where I will outline that I do not discuss client discussions with anyone. 
  • If the two of you wish to create a plan to talk about how coaching is making a difference, that is between you. I will only report that the client has in fact shown up at coaching.

I can help you identify those FEW THINGS that will
make the biggest difference moving forward and
know which ONE to concentrate on first.

I provide support. I work with leaders, executives and professionals privately and confidentially. The support is personal, live and full of care and understanding.

I'm not working from theory. I've been there and understand what's going on. Let's explore how I might be of service to you. Contact me here. 

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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5