Executive Coaching to Address Burn-on

Burn-on May Appear Very Noble, but it Persists and Slowly Does its Damage in the Leader

When I first set out years ago in executive coaching to help Christian leaders address burn-on, the term "burn-on" hadn't even been coined. Someone created it recently.

"Burnout" was long the convenient term. Problem was, the leaders I was working with didn't always "hit a wall" that forced them to stop as was often expected with burnout.

So, here's my description of what I have come to refer to as burn-on. 

  • Burn-on is a not-healthy but not-fatal mistake of pushing through, when you know you should have stopped long ago to address those things that are causing you to be precariously depleted.

Burnout ... and the flame is gone. It will stop you. 


Burn-on ... and a less vigorous flame, even if maybe only a flicker, keeps going because you try keep it going. Burn-on persists, and slowly does its damage.

A leader experiencing true burnout must or will be forced to stop.

A leader experiencing burn-on can, and may, keep pushing through paying an increasingly higher price physically, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

Some of the same telltale signs of burnout might be there, but the leader just keeps going even though it is has increasingly serious consequences, for themselves or for others around them.

Burn-on Leaves the Leader Carrying an Increasingly Heavy Weight


Think of burn-on as a more-or-less continual state of being overloaded. An on-going “too much, or an “always-on-burnout.”

It's like carrying a heavy weight while continually adding a little more to it. You don’t drop, but keep trudging on with that big load, bending more and more under its weight.

Something has to give. At some point, something will give.

As a society we need your contribution. Be encouraged. We can find solutions together.

If you are a leader, executive, or senior-level professional, don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your own particular situation. 

External Conditions that Create a Setup for Burn-on


Many of the things that contribute to, and characterize burnout are present, but the leader doesn’t collapse or quit. They just keep pushing through.

Often there are one or two key contributing factors that never go away or get resolved. Maybe it’s around

  • A boss, direct report, peer, or owners personal and behavioral issues
  • Some interpersonal situation one side won’t discuss
  • Want for position and power
  • Unspoken personal agenda issues
  • A persistent problem that demands, and then demands some more, and then demands again.
  • Something organizational that makes what you do excruciatingly frustrating.
  • A running on the red line between your personal ethics and company practices.
  • Financially you “can’t” leave, slow down or stop.

Whatever it is, it’s characterized by being persistent. Still, you don’t stop, even though you pay an increasingly steep price.

The old trope, “You just need a holiday,” rings hollow. Time away may be welcome, and needed, but it doesn’t solve the problem, does it? Let's get to solutions.

Why Do You Keep Pushing Through When You Could be Finding Solutions?


Why DO you keep pushing through even though the personal cost is rising?

The benefit of coaching is that it brings clarity.

You can put your finger on the situation and name it. Perhaps it’s one of those mentioned in the last section. This gives you part of the “what’s happening” equation.

But there is a second part. Leaders continue to “run in the red” for a long period of time for more nuanced reasons. Reasons that involve their own thinking and values.

Through experienced coaching discussion, you will gain insight around any number of the more “unique to you,” or “internal” contributors to “what’s happening.”

And, if you can “see” them, you have an opportunity to address them.

  • Ratcheting up, and doing more than God may have asked you to do.
  • Caught up in an unrealized and unspoken cycle of performance. Because you are achieving good things, people encourage you on. You don’t want to disappoint them.
  • Unable to prioritize or step back from the burden of need around you.
  • (Overly) Hyper-personalizing “ownership.” Your work has “become” you.
  • Because you are a skilled, engaged, and hard worker, your need goes unnoticed by others. In their eyes, you get the job done, and always appear to be “on.”
  • You would never let things down on your watch.
  • Highly committed work ethic. You keep going.

As I work weekly providing executive coaching to help Christian leaders address burn-on, I continue to hear these same reflections over and over. 

I understand. I've been there. 

Solutions are a Little Different with Burn-On


Executive coaching for burn-on is somewhat the same as for burnout, but does have some differences.

  • There’s a mindset that allows the leader to feel they must push through.
  • There’s a capacity the leader has (to a degree) to actually push through.
  • There’s something in the way things are that triggers pushing through.
  • A structure exists that reinforces pushing through.
  • Not pushing through “may have” a higher perceived cost to it.

As we coach together, we’ll look at these things. This can lead to insights, decisions, and actions that actually contribute to lasting change and relief.

As always, my emphasis in coaching is to providing support through this time.

How Executive Coaching to Help Christian Leaders Address Burn-on Works


Making changes to the way you think and work requires willingness.

Hasn’t this been the history of mankind? God has revealed things that need to be addressed, but we say, “yes” or “no” to actually doing it.

It's a matter of the will. You do have a choice, after all.

In the years of providing executive coaching to help Christian leaders address burn-on, I have found if you have a willingness to adjust how you work, we can make great gains together.

I have found that the leader or professional who is truly feeling the strain of burn-on, and has engaged my coaching, is generally willing to do what is necessary to get to a solution.

Executive Coaching to help Christian leaders address burn-on. Contact me here to discuss your situation. 


More on Burn-on: When I first began to contrast burnout verses burn-on

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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5