Coaching to Create a Personal Leadership Development Plan

Be proactive and create a Personal Leadership Development Plan. Not only will you benefit from the discipline of improvement, but if necessary you will be able to present it to those you report to. This might be needed in the case of a 360.

Continually work on habits, skills and practices that increase your contribution and value as a leader.   


The statements that follow are based on my book, 52 Solutions for Those Who Need a 25 Hour Day. I've tried to break them down into some common categories.


Find those two or three practices that are most important for you to work on. Beside each entry is a link to five days of coaching for that particular practice or habit.

Whenever you wish you can go directly to the content and five days of coaching for ALL of the 52 practices here. 

Start to Create a Personal Leadership Development Plan by Determining What Areas You Most Need to Work on 


I resign from lesser priority responsibilities in order to create greater focus.
See skill #15

I maintain momentum, even on jobs I may not enjoy.
See skill #13

I change my pace from time to time during the day.
See skill #26


I work from a to-do list of true priorities.
See skill #3

I have a not-to-do list allowing me to better allocate my time.
See skill #50

My purpose for being here determines those things I commit my schedule to.
See skill #18

I bring true priorities to completion before going on to other things.
See skill #4

I make time to be quiet so I can think clearly.
See skill #19

I very rarely say, “I should.” If it’s important I do it.
See skill #23


I spend time planning my daily, weekly and monthly schedule.
See skill #2

I focus on the desired outcome, not the clock.
See skill # 28

I spend intentional time working on my business versus always working in it.
See skill #43

I plan for the unexpected.
See skill #46

I have learned to stop and move in a new direction as soon as I sense it is needed. See skill #44


I write or record thoughts and information for later use.
See skill #5

I do not assume. I endeavor to get my information correct.
See skill #12

When I go into meetings, I have done the prep work I agreed to do.
See skill #8

I look at failures as opportunities to grow and improve.
See skill #33.


I have no problem saying ‘No’ to requests that are made to me.
See skill #6

I know and guard my most productive time from interruptions.
See skill #1

If my answer deep down really needs to be ‘No’, I say ‘No.’
See skill #31

I am mentally prepared for people who just don’t get it.
See skill #17

I take advantage of being accountable to another in order to be more effective.
See skill #7

I guard my time and am not available on demand.
See skill #11

I take action on situations requiring my input right when they come up.
See skill #27

I endeavor to handle things just once.
See skill #30

I exercise decisiveness. I do not procrastinate on needed decisions.
See skill #36

I do it, delegate it, ditch it or appropriately delay it as soon as it comes up.
See skill #40


I plan for and follow through on activities that renew me personally.
See skill #9

I do not manage my image for other people.
See skill #20

I never use being busy as a bragging point. I am not addicted to busyness.
See skill #21

I try to maintain a happy and positive attitude.
See skill #22

I actively work on building and maintaining good friendships.
See skill #24 

I don’t let what I want to be doing deviate me from what I need to be doing.
See skill #51


I am told I clearly communicate so people understand what I am saying.
See skill #10

I give people my focused attention for better communication.
See skill #25

I acknowledge a job well done with positive words and actions.
See skill #42

I plan for and provide adequate funding to move forward priorities.
See skill #14

Being a character of integrity is as important as what I do.
See skill #42.


I have quality board members who are passionate about me being my best.
See skill #16

I work with a Coach to help move me further than I now think possible.
See skill #37

I am not a lone star. If beneficial, I make alliances that move forward priorities.
See skill #45


I have eliminated scraps of paper. I can easily find any information I have.
See skill #29

I use the simplest technology I need to accomplish my priorities.
See skill #52

I use an excellent system of working, reference and archive files.
See skill # 47

I leave breathing space between appointments.
See skill #48

I have my personal finances in order.
See skill #39


I look for project bottlenecks and solve them immediately.
See skill #32

I group lesser tasks to save time.
See skill #34

I immediately incorporate strategies to improve my effectiveness.
See skill #35

I easily break down large responsibilities into smaller, doable steps.
See skill #38

I have a strategy to get productive things done during extensive travel time.
See skill #49

Take note of the handful of practices you have chosen. Modify them if you have to in order to ensure you have what will be most helpful for you to create a personal leadership development plan that is workable.

These 52 practices may have sparked other ideas for you to include as well. Your plan should be clear, and one that you can take ownership of.

Now create the structure to start working on these things. Track your progress until each practice becomes a well established habit.

The Working Together of Many Smaller Things are How Big Things Get Done


My clients are regularly working on one or two habits that can improve personal time management, and increase productivity at work. Paying attention to the basics is how big things get done. 

Those leaders who engage me for Executive Coaching will begin working on these practices. Doing so always leads to significant improvements. Small wins add up. Contact me today to discuss a personal coaching program for you or someone on your team. 

Bottom line, if you expect to become an increasingly valuable leader, you need to be proactive and create a personal leadership development plan of your own. Don't wait for someone else to tell you you have to.

Keep improving on and doing the basics well. It will increase your capacity to do even more. And, that's how BIG things get done.

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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5