Leadership Coaching on Policies Part One

Leadership Coaching on Policies Part One will help you review the accumulated policies that have been put in place over time, in your small organization. 

Sometimes policies have excellent reasons for being there.

  • "We require all visitors without valid passes to sign in at the front desk."

Sometimes policies have been put in place to avoid dealing with the behavior of an individual.

  • "All petty cash purchases above $100 (restrictive) must be okayed with the the Board Chair." So much time has passed since the "real event" that nobody knows why the policy exists anymore. Only the speculation and resulting whispers remain.

Use Leadership Coaching on Policies Part One as an occasion to reflect on the practical purpose and usage of each of your policies. 

41. Policies Have a Readily Identifiable Purpose


This is Practice 41 of 80

A policy should have purpose other than to avoid conflict. When it occurs, face conflict and deal with it.

Where a policy already exists that doesn’t seem to make sense, it may have been instituted for the wrong reasons. Review and retire it if need be.

Often a policy can be an excuse for not talking something through, or for dealing with a very small number of people around unacceptable behavior.

  • Are there any areas where we are too accommodating?
  • To rigid?
  • What is the purpose for our stance?
  • How can we address it?
  • Are we prepared to deal with the consequences?
  • Are there policies that need to be deleted?

Why This Practice is Important

A policy should serve to advance the aims of the organization.

The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice


Many policies are made to avoid something. Name that something and better approaches may open up.

An Expansive Thought

Ask yourself: We made this policy in order to (what)? We could also have accomplished this by (doing what)?

An Action Point

Examine each written and unwritten policy. Are they directive (do this) or restrictive (don't do this)? What do you notice?

42. Written Policies Are Available to Those Affected by Them


This is Practice 42 of 80

People have access to written policies. If they are supposed to follow them, they must be easily available.

The latest updated version of all policies is on file in one place and in one volume (if written) for the leadership to access quickly.

In addition, all people affected have the latest copies (or files) available.

  • Does each possible staff member have easy access to the latest update of written or recorded policies that affect them?
  • Who does a staff member go to for an explanation of a policy?
  • How do staff know they have the latest policy?

Why This Practice is Important

If something is expected of a person, they need to know it. "Should have known" is too late.

The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice


Policies should be organized in order to be easily available.

An Expansive Thought

Some real (unwritten) policies exist only as assumptions and should be written down if they are firm.

An Action Point

Have all the policies of your organization written down, or recorded on file, and available to anyone who wants to read them.

43. Policy Content is Understandable


This is Practice 43 of 80

Understandable policy content should be short, clear, written and able to be broadcast widely and understood by all.

Opportunities to help people understand it have been identified and are being taken advantage of.

  • Once we think policy content is clear, how do we know others understand it?
  • How do we get accurate feedback and evaluation?
  • What forum can we use to make sure people are clear about the policy?

Why This Practice is Important

Simple clear wording and meaning stand a better chance of being implemented.

The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice


A clear presentation can make or break adherence to a policy.

An Expansive Thought

Short, clear, written and able to broadcast widely ... this is the heart of good policy development.

An Action Point

If you think your current policy works well, ask 10 of your staff what it means and why it is important.

44. After Implementation, Policies Are Either Adhered to or Changed


This is Practice 44 of 80

Implementation of a new policy is to serve a purpose. If it doesn't, don't implement it in the first place.

Where you keep coming up with challenges, act on them right away.

Is the policy reasonable? Do the people concerned understand it? If the answer is yes, deal with those who decide it is not written for them. If the answer is no, rework the policy to serve you.

  • Why are people disregarding the content of the policy?
  • Can it be simplified?
  • How do you deal with policy that is disregarded?
  • Is non-compliance specified in the body of the policy?

Why This Practice is Important

It the tendency is to disregard or diminish the content of the policy, it is either about you, them or the policy. Change one of them.

The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice


Implementation of a policy is a clear process over time, not simply making a single statement.

An Expansive Thought

A divergence from policy requires immediate attention that results in either upholding or modifying the policy.

An Action Point

Rework the policy that isn't serving your best interest.

This is the end of Leadership Coaching on Policies Part One.

How Will You Use Leadership Coaching on Policies Part One, to Improve or Adjust Your Accumulated Policies? 

This is your opportunity to "clean up" policies. Perhaps wisely, your organization has good well-serving policies in place. Congratulations. This will simply be a review for you.

On the other hand, your small organization may have a ton of policies that were put in place for some of the reasons cited. Take the occasion to keep, update or reject as indicated by the reality of your organization's situation. 

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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5