Nonprofit Leadership Coaching on Boards Part Two, allows you to continue your reflection on the make-up and operation of your board.
The board's role is crucial in small organizations, especially in light of the complexities organizations face.
Take the time for intentional board improvement. Assemble the right group of men and women on your board and they will contribute to a well run organization and the achievement of your mission.
This is Practice 5 of 80
Many boards rotate too fast to maintain good continuity. You need people serving who have solid experience with this organization and Board.
Members need to understand how things got to be the way they are. They need knowledgeable background information to make good decisions.
Bring new Board members on to gain plenty of experience with long-standing and active members. Have a plan of rotation in place that preserves Board continuity.
Why This Practice is Important
There is value in knowing how things got to be as they are.
The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice
Well experienced members know all the players and politics. Sometimes this can make the difference.
An Expansive Thought
Fresh energy and vision is needed to shake loose no longer useful patterns of thinking.
An Action Point
A plan of rotation that serves the organization is better than a plan that is built on what the group 'should' do.
This is Practice 6 of 80
If your on-site staff have personal issues and are not getting along and working like a team, tell the truth and take action.
If you accommodated someone’s favorite program but really don’t have the ability to carry it on, tell the truth and change it.
If staff or those you serve keep telling you something isn’t up to par, don’t deny it. Admit the truth to yourself and act.
Do not keep moving ahead hoping that something will go away, because most times it won’t.
While you are stating the truth, don’t forget to respect confidentiality.
Why This Practice is Important
Admitting the truth about a situation is freeing. Now you can do something about it instead of pretending it doesn’t exist, which is costly to everyone and to the work.
The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice
Acting completely on that truth frees up all sorts of energy.
An Expansive Thought
Valuable time is spent and lost avoiding issues.
An Action Point
Avoidance is about performing for others. Don't do it.
This is Practice 7 of 80
Collaboration is about positively and willingly working together.
Personal agendas are deadening. Intransigence is as well. When someone holds their opinion or choice of action so tight that they become adversarial about it, you’ve got trouble. Get rid of members who were brought on the Board to serve somebody’s personal agenda.
Decisions arrived at in a collaborative manner can best serve the Board.
There is only one reason worth sitting around the Board table, and that is to serve the purposes for which the organization exists.
Take the time to allow each Board member to be clear about what their expectations are in being on the Board.
Why This Practice is Important
Decisions arrived at and agreed upon together create more positive momentum.
The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice
Collaboration values and integrates the contribution of each individual as far as possible.
An Expansive Thought
Collaboration creates ownership. Cooperation may not.
An Action Point
Examine yourselves for personal agendas. Be clear about them and take action to resolve them. If board housecleaning needs to happen, do it.
This is Practice 8 of 80
For literally millions of small organizations registered around the world, and for many more millions of movements, projects and organizations that are not registered formally, volunteers are absolutely essential.
The Board, either with or through the leadership, needs to continuously recognize what others give to make things work.
Saying thank-you is still a powerful yet simple sentiment. Never ever forget to say it in some way to the people who believe in what is happening and invest themselves in being a part of it.
No, people shouldn’t just automatically know you are thankful for them.
Excessive flattery may lead to pride, but appreciation does not. Show it often.
Why This Practice is Important
Appreciation acknowledges and further encourages valuable contribution.
The Key Concept, Attitude or Action That Drives This Practice
Thankfulness for the people who partner in this particular work, paid or not, characterizes the board.
An Expansive Thought
Regular sincere gratitude will result in regular and expanding contribution.
An Action Point
Checking worker by worker, when is the last time they, their spouse and family were recognized for contribution? Make sure they are.
This concludes Nonprofit Leadership Coaching on Boards Part Two.
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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5